Taleon Gaia Lite Launching Soon!!!
Easy Server Open-PvP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have the translated faq?
The most complete and updated help will be in portuguse.

The FAQ translated into portuguese.
What is missing on the server?
Look at our roadmap in proposals tab to see what we do not have at the moment.

How to security my account?
Follow the tips here.
About houses
Look about houses here.
About Custom Daily Reward
We have a different Daily Reward to better serve the player.
  • Day 1: 60 minutes 50% XP boost
  • Day 2: 1 Exercise Weapon
  • Day 3: 3 Prey Wildcard
  • Day 4: 60 minutes 50% XP boost
  • Day 5: 1 Exercise Weapon
  • Day 6: 3 Prey Wildcard
  • Day 7: 1 Temporary Gold Converter + 1 Temple Teleport Scroll
About Custom Spells
We have some custom spells.

Name: Exeta loot
Name: Utori amp scep and Exana amp scep

Name: Exura dis
Name: Exevo infir frigo hur
Name: Exevo infir flam hur
Name: Exori infir vis
Name: Exori infir tera
Name: Exevo infir con
What are Crown Tokens?
Crown Tokens are a special currency on Taleon that can be used to buy special outfits, mounts and permanently boosts.
The majority of this things you can only obtain with Crown Tokens and aren't obtainable elsewhere.
How do i obtain Crown Tokens?
  • Unlocking achievements (1 achievement point = 10 crown tokens)
  • Getting Achievement Rank upgrade
  • Complete quests with a bonus reward
  • Starting at level 20 you will gain 5 crown tokens at each new level
  • By participating in events
Achievement Ranks
By gaining achievements you will gain achievement points and crown tokens.
Each achievement will give you 1 to 10 achievement points depending on the difficulty of that achievement (1 achievement point = 10 crown tokens).

  • Novice: Needs 50 points (Rewards: 250 Crown Tokens, Green Light and Gold Medal with your name on it)
  • Explorer: Needs 150 points (Rewards: 750 Crown Tokens, Zaoan Chessbox and Badge Of Glory with your name on it)
  • Challenger: Needs 300 points (Rewards: 1500 Crown Tokens, Rose Shield and Hero's Medal with your name on it)
  • Pioneer: Needs 700+ points (Rewards: 3000 Crown Tokens, Shield Of Destiny and Arcane Insignia with your name on it)
Where i can use my Crown Tokens?
You can exchange you Crown Tokens in Adventurer's Guild with NPC Veradin.
Say HI, and TRADE to Npc Veradin, then click in STORE to open Crown Tokens Store.

You can click in each rank to see what you can buy with Crown Tokens.
You can buy special outfits, mounts and unique permanently boosts (Loot boost at normal creatures, Xp boost at stamina bonus and Mount speed boost).

Is it possible to play on Mac and Linux?
We do not have client for Mac and Linux, but there are ways to run our client on the mentioned operating systems.

https://youtu.be/TcVJiJOJEcI (PT-BR)


https://youtu.be/-QtB8vmr1QA (PT-BR)
How the imbuing system works?
All imbuement levels are released. (1, 2 and 3).

You will be able to use the imbuing machine, which is located on most of the Temples around the Taleon World.

Also, all portals are open to players.
What is Battlefield Arena?
Battlefield Arena is an event with Red versus Blue team.
Two teams fighting against eachother and trying to get as many frags as possible by killing members in the enemy team within the time limit.

  • Days: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
  • Hours: 19:00 and 21:00 (BRT)
  • Duration: 25 minutes
  • Minimum Level: 60
  • Maximum Team Size: 50 (total 100 players)
  • Minimum Team Size: 5 (total 10 players)
  • Winners Reward: 16 Crown Tokens and trophies
  • If you die in an event you will not lose any xp, skills or items
  • If you die 5 times, you will can't enter in arena field for 5 minutes
  • If you leave the event in progress, you will be blocked from joining the event for 6 minutes
  • Every member in the winning team will get a reward
  • You can join any active event by going to the adventurer's guild and jumping into the teleporter at the most north eastern corner
Bonus system
Inside the arena have some monsters. When these monsters die, the system look for which team did more damage and gives the bonus to the team, if the system see a tie, the bonus will give to all players.

  • The Ancient Dragon: When killed, give a skill bonus depending on vocation. Paladins gain 30 of distance, knights gain 30 of sword, axe and club and sorceres gain 15 of magic level).
  • The Blue Ancient Golem: When killed, give a mana regeneration bonus.
  • The Red Ancient Golem when killed, give a life regeneration bonus.
  • Duration of bonuses: 3 minutes.

Q. My client is freezing and not responding.
A. Try to open the TaleonLauncher.exe or the taleon.exe as administrator.
If you have avast, norton or any antivirus, put the taleon's directory in the exceptions.
Some bank programs can block the taleon client, please uninstall the bank program called WARSAW from your computer. Go to your windows configuration, search for remove and install programs, open and find WARSAW program and click in remove.
Who has windows 10 and windows defender do the following: Start > Settings > Update & security > Windows Defender > Open Windows Defender Security Center > Virus and Threat Protection > Virus and Threat Protection Settings > Controlled Folder Access > Set to off.

Q. My client is trying to update.
A. Close your client, go to the main installation folder and delete force patch.exe, then open your client again.

Q. How can i improve my FPS?
A. Go to options, graphics, choose OpenGL and leave it as shown in the image below and click OK
Now go to options, effects and uncheck Show Light Effects
You must need to close the client and open again to configurations take effect
When client open again, will ask to accept the new graphics configurations, click YES.

Q. How to import my old minimaps?
A. You can use the client system, clicking on Export Minimap.
The system will create a ZIP file, then just go to the new client and click on Import Options/Minimap, choose the ZIP file and that's it.

Q. How to import my old configurations and hotkeys?
A. You can use the client system, clicking on Export All Options.
The system will create a ZIP file, then just go to the new client and click on Import Options/Minimap, choose the ZIP file and that's it.

Q. My autoloot is not working correctly
A. Switch Loot option to "Shift+Right"

Q. I have blurry letters
A. Try to switch your graphics engine from "Auto-Select" to "DirectX Performance"

Q. Game window looks pixelated
A. Enable "Anti-Aliasing" in graphics options.

Q. Client is not working / I have OpenGL error
1) Close the client
2) Open the file /conf/clientoptions.json using a text editor
3) Find (Ctrl + F) the parameter renderer, which is followed by a number (ex: "renderer": 0)
4) Change this number to a value between 0 and 5, where:
0 = AutoSelect
1 = OpenGL
3 = Software
4 = DirectX (Compatibility)
5 = DirectX (Performance)
5) Save the file and try to open the client again

Q. Client is not accepting my video card
Close your client, go to the main installation folder, enter in the /conf folder, delete the gpublacklist.json file, then open your client again.

Do you have customized bosses?
Some bosses in the Taleon are customized, so be careful when facing them thinking they will be easy as in the global.

  • Orshabaal (Fast healing, +life, +custom summons and +damage)
  • Morgaroth (Fast healing, +life and +damage)
  • Ferumbras Tower (Extreme fast healing, +life, +summons, +damage and new spell)
  • Ferumbras Revenge (Extreme fast healing, +life, +summons, +damage and new smart spells)
  • Ghazbaran (Fast healing, +life and +damage)
  • Gaz'Haragoth (+Life)
  • Omrafir (Fast healing and +life)
  • Zoralurk (Fast healing, +life, +damage and smart spells)
  • Chayenne (Fast healing, +Life and +damage)
Some limits
  • It is not possible to train magic level and recover soul points inside protection zone (pz)
  • You can only have 10.000 items in the inbox and 100 items in the reward chest
  • Chayenne's Magical Key breaks after used (Boss Chayenne appears in the Taleon every 3 months after the last appear).
How many unjustified frags can I take before begin punished?
White Skull
A player will get white skull if they attack or kill another player. If they only attack, the skull will remain until the Logout Block is gone ( you will also receive a Protection Zone Block till logout block is gone, together with the White Skull ). However, if they kill another player, they will get white skull for 15 minutes, and every offense against other players during that time will reset the time, so player killers will have to wait another 15 minutes.

Killing a white skulled player is a justified kill. However, if you attack someone with a white skull, they will see a yellow skull on your character, and be able to defend themselves without punishment. If you finally kill a White Skull you will have to wait a minute to lose the Protection Zone Block.

Red Skull
  • Kill 5 or more unmarked characters in 24 hours
  • Kill 10 or more unmarked characters in 7 days
  • Kill 20 or more unmarked characters in 30 days
A red skull will last for the 5 days following the last unjust kill over the allowed amount. If you pass the allowed limit again this will cause the 5 days red skull penalty to start over.
A red-skulled player who dies will drop all items, regardless of whether they have blessings or wear an Amulet of Loss! This will encourage players to hunt and to punish players who have a red skull.
The Twist of Fate blessing does not work for red-skulled characters, so when a red skull dies (even when it's during PvP!), they lose any regular blessings, but will keep Twist of Fate.

Black Skull
  • Kill 10 or more unmarked characters in 24 hours
  • Kill 20 or more unmarked characters in 7 days
  • Kill 40 or more unmarked characters in 30 days
Black skulls will appear when a player kills double the amount of players needed to attain a red skull.
When a player has a black skull they will no longer be able to attack an unmarked player - that is any player without a skull. In addition to this, a black-skulled player may not use area Attack Spells and Attack Runes (i.e. Hell's Core, Explosion, etc.), as well as Burst or Diamond Arrows to prevent black skulls from killing unmarked players indirectly. They also cannot summon or convince creatures, or use Undead Legion or strike spells (i.e. Energy Strike) which are not aimed at a target.
A black skull will remain on a character for a total of 14 days. Whenever a black-skulled character is killed, he/she will respawn in temple with 40 hitpoints and 0 mana. Black-skulled character, like a red-skulled, who dies will drop all items regardless of whether they have blessings or wear an Amulet of Loss. Black-skulled character will receive 100% damage in PvP combat instead of 50%.

Yellow Skull
A player will receive a yellow skull if they attack someone marked with a black, red, white or revenge skull (orange). The attacker is yellow skulled only for his victim; this is done because even player killers have the right to defend themselves against other players that might try to kill them. Killing someone with a yellow skull will be a justified kill.

Yellow Skulls are special. If a player who has a black, red ,white or revenge skull is attacked by an unmarked player, the attacker will get a yellow skull which is visible only to the player he attacked. This allows even a black skull to kill in self-defense without receiving extra penalties.

Orange Skull
If someone kills you, he receives a "Revenge Skull" (orange) for one week, so you can attack him in that week without obtaining a white skull, but you will receive a Protection Zone Block and a yellow skull for attacking an orange skull. Only you can see the revenge skull on your killer. An orange skull lasts either 7 days or until you took revenge and killed the character with the orange skull. If a character has killed you several times in the last 7 days, the orange skull lasts until you took revenge for every single of these kills. Once all those unjustified kills are avenged or older than 7 days, the orange skull vanishes.
Where do I sell my items and Where does Rashid spawn?
You can find Rashid at following cities at following day
  • On Mondays you can find him in Svargrond, in Dankwart's tavern, south of the temple.
  • On Tuesdays you can find him in Liberty Bay, in Lyonel's tavern, west of the depot.
  • On Wednesdays you can find him in Port Hope, in Clyde's tavern, north of the ship.
  • On Thursdays you can find him in Ankrahmun, in Arito's tavern, above the post office.
  • On Fridays you can find him in Darashia, in Miraia's tavern, south of the guildhalls.
  • On Saturdays you can find him in Edron, in Mirabell's tavern, above the depot.
  • On Sundays you can find him in Carlin depot, one floor above.
Rashid will pay 70% price without completed quest. You can complete the whole quest in one day (In RL you must do one mission per day of week).

Djinns trade only with the people they trust.
You have to complete either one Djinn War quest to trade with Djinns.
Alternatively you can trade with Nahelsar in Thais temple or Adventurer Island, who will buy all djinn accessory for 50% of the original price.

For creature products, you can find another travelling salesman Yasir.
Yasir however doesn't have an exact schedule like Rashid.
Yasir has 50% chance of appearing in the server save.
On most days, you can find him in Ankrahmun, Liberty Bay or Carlin.

Don't forget the marketplace ->.
How does shared experience bonus work?
You can enable party by right clicking on any player that you want to invite to a party.
After they join your party and if your levels are similar (difference is no more than 33% in either way)
You'll be able to enable a shared experience bonus. All party members must attack a monster once a while to keep the party active. Healing other members won't matter.

Sharing experience will give additional experience depending on the vocation count in the party.
Activating shared experience bonuses:
  • 1 vocation 20%
  • 2 vocations 30%
  • 3 vocations 60%
  • 4 vocations 100%
Use !partyinfo command to get to know useful information about your party and bonuses.
To prevent botters from abusing this system. Players follwing eachother won't have the party bonus enabled.
Stamina, Health and Mana regeneration
Stamina Regeneration
You can regenerate stamina while training with exercise weapons.
  • Orange: 1 minute every 2 minutes.
  • Green: 1 minute every 5 minutes.
Health and Mana regeneration
With promotion
  • Elder Druids: 5 health: 3 seconds - 20 mana: 3 seconds.
  • Master Sorcerers: 5 health: 3 seconds - 20 mana: 3 seconds.
  • Royal Paladins: 10 health: 3 seconds - 10 mana: 3 seconds.
  • Elite Knights: 20 health: 3 seconds - 5 mana: 3 seconds.
Without promotion
  • Druids: 5 health: 4 seconds - 20 mana: 4 seconds.
  • Sorcerers: 5 health: 4 seconds - 20 mana: 4 seconds.
  • Paladins: 10 health: 4 seconds - 10 mana: 4 seconds.
  • Knights: 20 health: 4 seconds - 5 mana: 4 seconds.
How to access Adventurer's Guild and what is it?
Simply open your locker inside any depot and click on the green stone inside it.
When leaving the guild you will be teleported back to the depot you came from.
You can access also there, the "normal" way by asking any temple NPC for the stone and using it.

We could call Adventurer's guild as the centre of event activities on Taleon.
At the guild, you can find
  • Reward chest container
  • NPC Yudi (You can sell many items)
  • Roulette (Try your luck)
  • Dummy training
  • NPC Veradin (Crown Tokens Shop)
  • Entrance to active events
  • Imbuing shrine
  • NPCs: Charos, Nahelsar, Jorge
  • Offline training statues
Do I receive any equipment when advancing levels?
  • Yes, the items that you will get will depend on your vocation and level.

  • Sorcerers:
    • Level 20: Wand of decay and 20 mana potions
    • Level 40: Wand of cosmic energy and 40 mana potions
    • Level 20: Necrotic rod and 20 mana potions
    • Level 40: Terra rod and 40 mana potions
    • Level 20: 400 sniper arrows, belted cape and legs.
    • Level 40: 280 onyx arrows and elvish bow
    • Level 20: 25 health potions, 20 mana potions, dwarven shield, plate armor and legs.
    • Level 40: Based on your highest skill, you will also receive either: A wyvern fang, a knight axe or a dragon hammer and guardian shield.
    Yes, you will be rewarded with money at these three milestones:
    • Level 30: 1 crystal coins
    • Level 60: 2 crystal coins
    • Level 90: 3 crystal coins
    The money will be deposited to your bank.

    Starting at level 20 you will gain 5 crown crown tokens at each new level.
    Is there death protection for low levels ...?

    Adventurer's blessing

    Players under the level 40 are protected by 'adventurer's blessing', and will not lose any equipment.
    Upon reaching level 40, adventurer's blessing will be disabled and the player will be notified about it. The player will also receive all five blessings and Twist of Fate.

    You can purchase all 5 blessings, at once from every major city temple priest or monk saying hi - bless - all - yes. The last 2 blessings, you need to purchase at own NPCs of each one (Heart of the Mountain of Svargrond and Blood of the Mountain of Port Hope).

    Your character can buy the 5 normal blessings in the temples and the last 2 (Heart of the Mountain of Svargrond and Blood of the Mountain of Port Hope) from NPC Henricus.
    If you prefer, you can buy the 7 blessings directly from NPC Henricus.

    The price of blessings depends on your level.

    How do I buy a house?
    Any character with level 120 or more in Mainland and any character with level 60 or more in Rookgaard can buy a house.

    Navigate under house pages, find a suitable house and bid on it.
    If you win the bid, the house is yours.
    If you're looking to purchase a house that already has an owner on it, you will have to contact that person.

    Check more info at houses FAQ.
    Where can I find trainers?
    You can find offline trainers in almost every major city.

    Click on a training statue and select a skill to train.
    Your character will start training after 10 minutes of begin offline.

    Also you can find online trainers in almost every major city and in the Adventurers Guild.
    You can use Exercise Weapons in the Exercise Dummies.
    You can find the exact places here.
    Ultimate Potions?
    Yes, ultimates lvl 130 and supremes lvl 200

    • Great Mana Potion (sorcerers and druids) - lvl 80
    • Ultimate Health Potion (knights) - lvl 130
    • Great Spirit Potion (paladins) - lvl 80
    What is the death loss rate?
    We use the formulas described here: Wikia.
    There is also reductions in special cases:
    • Unfair Fight Reduction which can reach 80% of reduction on Regular PvP deaths.
    • Unfair Fight Reduction which can reach 80% of reduction on Guild War PvP deaths.
    General Features PvP
    What is the reward chest system?
    Reward Chest System:

    When one of the following bosses is killed, the loot will appear inside a reward container.
    Everybody who has partipicated in killing the boss will be rewarded accordingly.
    The more damage you deal on the boss, Damage taken from boss or heal allies in the fight higher your score will be.
    The best items are given to players with high score.
    The item will be added to the reward chest and will disappear in 7 days.
    The chest itself can be found at adventurer's guild.

    How to report do I report bugs?
    The best place to report a bug, resolve an issue, or ask a question is on Taleon's Discord.
    You can go to the SUPORTE category and create a ticket for the team at CRIAR-TICKET.

    For reporting major game-breaking bugs, maybe you will be rewarded.
    What custom commands I can use?

    You can check guild commands here.

    Write !cmd or !commands to get a list of all commands with an explanation in the game.


    Use the !pix command directly in the game to purchase your Taleon Coins quickly and securely via PIX. Only for Brazilians.


    Opens the bonus screen to receive the training wand, this wand can only be taken once.


    Shows how many VIP days your account has left.


    Shows how many loyalty points you have and your title.


    Only works as a VIP (On: The vials do not go to the bp, Off: The vials go to the BP).


    Restarts your connection to optimize FPS.


    Enables and disables automatic loot collection if you have a loot pouch.


    Shows the minimum and maximum level to enable the shared experience with you.


    Shows how long your PZ lock/logout block will expire.


    Show which Boss is on dreamcourts.


    List of players online.


    Check your current rates.


    Check the amount of crown tokens you have.


    Check the amount of achievement points you have. You can also see your current achievement rank and the next.


    Leave the house you own. You have to be inside the house. In the following server save the house will be empty and available for an auction.


    This will cancel the command !leavehouse.

    !sellhouse charname

    Trade your house with charname. You have to be inside the house and the player must be online and must be wthinin 3 sqms distance.


    Check available quest bonuses!


    Configure your own settings!


    Start broadcasting and !stopcast to stop. You can use !cast <\password\> to start a cast protected with a password.


    Use this command to see the lasted 5 changelogs (news).


    Use this command to check the party shared bonus and other stuff related to parties.

    !deathlist charname

    Show charname's death list.

    Prey System

    Players who reached the mainland can right-click on their character (or use the hotkey Ctrl + Y) and choose "prey system" from a context menu. This opens a window as shown in the screenshots further down this page. There are three prey slots:

    • You have 2 unlocked prey slot by default
    • The third slot is a Permanent Prey Slot and can be bought in the Store.


    From each of the prey slots you can choose one creature out of 9 creatures. These 9 creatures are randomly selected from a large pool of creatures, but there will always be 3 low-level creatures, 3 mid-level creatures and 3 high-level creatures. You can not repeat creature in the lists.

    If you don't want to hunt any of the 9 creatures presented to you, you have several options:

    • Wait 20 hours for a free creature list reroll, which counts for each prey slot;
    • Buy extra list rerolls with gold coins if needed, the price depending on your level.

    After you selected a creature and a bonus, a timer will run for 2 hours when hunting any creature, not just the one you selected to hunt. When the 2 hours are over the creature your selected will vanish from the prey slot and you can select another one.


    The moment you select a creature you receive a bonus with it. The bonuses are:

    • Player damage boost of 7% - 25% (steps of 2%);
    • Creature damage reduction of 12% - 30% (steps of 2%);
    • Bonus experience 13% - 40% of (steps of 3%);
    • Improved loot 13% - 40% of (steps of 3%).

    If you don't like the bonus you received you can do one of the following:

    • Buy a Prey Bonus Reroll in the Store with Taleon Coins.
    • Hunt the creature with the bonus anyways for 2 hours and hope for better luck next time.

    Each bonus has 10 steps and a reroll will always improve your current step (up to the maximum) and may change your bonus type. If you are already at step 10 the bonus type is guaranteed to change with a reroll.

    The improved loot bonus works in the following manner. If you have an improved loot bonus with an effect of 15% this means there is a 15% chance that the monster will have another set of loot generated, basically it will behave as if you killed the monster twice.

    When the time expires everything will be reset.
    Our rookgaard has all the classic quests and addon quests.
    We also have a custom sword of fury quest.

    Rookgaard players have access to few better equipments.
    On PVP servers, PvP combat (player vs player) is allowed outside the city and after level 1.

    There are some exclusive spells for those who play rookgaard, including:
    Exura dis -> Healing magic. Can be used at any level.
    Exevo infir frigo hur -> Ice attack magic. Can be used at any level.
    Exevo infir flam hur -> Fire attack magic. Can be used at any level.
    Exori infir vis -> Energy attack magic. Can be used at any level.
    Exori infir tera -> Earth attack magic. Can be used at any level.
    Exevo infir con -> Supply magic. Can be used at any level.

    We have depot and houses in Rookgaard.
    Also, you can adventure to the island of Boracay.

    Finally, you can train in the rookgaard library on the offline training statues:

    Custom Quests
    We have a custom sword of fury quest in Rookgaard.
    In the future we will have more quests in the mainland mostly focusing high levels.
    Custom Raids
    We have the Ferumbras Revenge raid.
    Normally between 10 to 15 days after the Ferumbras was killed in the tower, he back to punish Thais and make the revenge against all people.
    Beware because he is back with more power and new spells. We will explain how to kill him and get the rewards.

    1- When Zoltan speaks about the evil presence of Ferumbras, the players have 15 minutes to organize to fight against Ferumbras.
    2- When 15 minutes passed, NPCs Zoltan, Gundralph, Eliza and Ursula create barriers of magic walls to protect the city. In this stage, Npc Zoltan will not be in Edron. After 30 seconds the Ferumbras will appear in the gates of Thais.
    3- Players must go to one of the NPCs (Zoltan, Gundralph, Eliza or Ursula) and say MANA to give mana points to the NPCs, so they can keep the barrier alive and the Ferumbras can't invade the city.
    4- If barrier down, the Ferumbras can invade the city and make the chaos! In this stage, many npcs will hide for fear of Ferumbras.
    5- The Ferumbras is immortal, somewhere there is a crystal of force that is the source of Ferumbras power. The crystal is super protected with defense mechanisms. Defeating the crystal is necessary to remove the immortality of Ferumbras and defeat him once and for all.
    6- Beware to defeat the crystal of force, the crystal have an elemental doom, if you see the message about an elemental doom, RUN TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!
    7- When the crystal of force loses 40% of life, the Ferumbras teleport from Thais to near of the crystal to protect it. If the crystal recuperate 60% of the life, the Ferumbras back to Thais again.
    8- When the crystal of force is near to die, the players must be kill it fast, otherwise the Ferumbras will teleport the crystal of force to a new safe place.
    9- When the players kill the crystal of force, the Feumbras lose your immortality, so the players can kill him to receive the rewards!

    Rewards for the world (for all players):
    • The creature's respawn time will be reduced by 30% for the next 3 days after the world quest is successful done.
    Individual Rewards:
    • Reward chest with gold and silver tokens (Ferumbras Hat has 10% of drop rate).
    • Achievement in case you have helped defeat Ferumbras directly.
    • Achievement if you helped defeat the nexus directly.
    • 10% xp of the level for helping to defeat the nexus.
    • If the barrier of Thais still up when the crystal of force be defeat, the players that helped the Npcs with mana will gain 5% xp of the level and an achievement.
    Loot Pouch
    You can buy the Loot Pouch in the store, after purchasing, you can find Loot Pouch in the Store Inbox, so you can configure it in Manage Containers.
    Once configured you can activate !autoloot and all the loot from the creatures that you kill, will be collected automatically.

    Quick Looting
    Our Quick Looting system is the same as the global.
    See our tutorial to understand how to use Quick Looting.

    We also have a spell that allow the player loot bodies in the area!

    • Name: Loot Box
    • Spell: exeta loot
    • Vocation: All
    • Type: Instant
    • Mana: 0
    • Cooldown: 2s
    • Effect: Loot all the bodies below and around the player, even in a stack.
    Quest Access
    Many access are permitted.
    If you have access without being permitted, contact the team on the Taleon's Discord.
    You can open the window to setup few game settings with the command !settings
    The following settings are available:

    Always keep already opened backpacks open upon login
    Your opened backpacks will be saved when you logged out. A small feature really useful for warmode players in the private arenas.
    Auto Open NPC trade window upon greeting
    The trade window will be open when you greet (say hello/hi) to NPC. Its the same as saying "trade" to the npc.
    Auto step into your dug hole
    You will get down the hole that you open after you use the shovel.
    Spells Notifications
    You will receive a notification of new spells when you get a new level.
    Ability to exiva NPCs
    You will be able to exiva npcs. Example: exiva "rashid
    Exiva will look first for a player with that name then a npc.
    Other players are able to exiva you
    This configuration only works on non-pvp worlds. When turned on, another player is unable to use the exiva spell to find your location.
    Emote Spells to prevent spams
    If turned on, it will put the magic spell in orange color and it will not appear in local chat anymore.
    Display a warmode square on your guild members and allies
    Same as !warsquare. Set a green square to your allies and a golden square for you enemies.
    Soft boots
    Its possible to recharge your soft boots even its not totally worn out.
    General information about guilds
    • Any character with level 60 or more, can create a guild.
    • You can only participate in one guild per character.
    • Vice leaders can invite/kick members, change the member title or promote a member.
    • Only leaders can disband the guild or manage war declarations.
    • We got a custom guild wars system, more info here.
    Which is the commands available for guilds?
    The following commands are available for guild leaders and vice leaders:
    • !warcolor - set your outfit to all guild members around you (10 sqms).
    The following commands are available for all guild members:
    • !warsquare - set a green square to your allies and a golden square for you enemies.
    • !warcount - get the amount of allies around you (10 sqms)
    Which is the guild wars special features?
    You can find them at guild wars page.